Down from the Pedestal: Revisiting the Exploit of Literature in EFL Language Classes
According to Arthur (2006, p. 200), “Through the use of literature, a language learning experience might become at the same time a source of immediate pleasure and satisfaction for the student. This possibility makes literature an appealing teaching device for ESL teachers”. However, numerous factors may contribute to the teachers’ lack of interest in using literary texts as a teaching tool. This study was an attempt to investigate Iranian EFL teachers’ attitude toward using literature in language classes and their perception toward the probable reasons of some teachers’ lack of interest in doing so. Altogether forty-four language teachers (19 females and 25 males, with a mean age of 26) participated in this study. The data was collected through a validated and piloted questionnaire prepared by the researchers themselves (Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.8). The results of the study indicated that more than anything else, the participants thought that the main factor which hampers the effective use of literature in language classes is related to the outcome perception on the side of the students. The EFL teachers in this study thought that we as language teachers need to raise the language learners’ awareness toward the benefits and advantages of literature in language classes. The findings of study may hold precious implications for language teachers. Moreover, EFL teachers may benefit from some guidelines and suggestions by the authors presented at the end of the paper.
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